Natural Environment
—La Crosse River & Marsh—
University of Wisconsin-Extension, Cooperative Extension Service, Recreation Resources Center
Harriett Moyer
forms part of the La Crosse River Valley Study
Harris, Paul
The purpose of this study was to observe the birds of Myrick Marsh in order to determine (1) the species utilizing the marsh as breeders, (2) the transients using the marsh as a resting area, (3) the nonbreeding residents, (4) which species used the marsh as a wintering area and (5) the relative abundance of species observed. Various census routes were established and followed for the duration of the study. Mist nets, funnel traps and Potter traps were used to capture birds for the purpose of banding. A total of 164 individuals belonging to sixteen species were banded. Banding was used to start a long-term project to determine the recurrence of species in the marsh during successive years. Nesting birds were determined by locating singing males, deserted nests and observations of young birds. A total of 150 species were observed with 51 species breeding in the marsh. Of the 150 species, twelve are permanent residents, eighteen winter residents, forty-six transient visitants,forty-three summer residents and thirty-one summer visitants. Three methods were used to determine the relative abundance; Kendeigh, Bond, and number per man-hour. Both the Bond and Kendeigh methods were almost identical in ranking the observed species. Relative abundance varied with the three methods but Red-winged Blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus) and Tree Sparrow (Spizella arborea) were ranked number one according to each method during the seasons in which these species were dominant. A diversity index was used as a quantitative method in comparing the various seasons. Diversity was dependent on the number of species and individuals observed for each season. Diversity was low during the summer and winter and higher during the spring and fall migrations. A total of fifteen orders were represented with 55.1% of the observed species belonging to the order Passeriformes. A geographical origin of the Myrick Marsh avifauna according to Mayr was also made in order to determine the composition of the avifauna when compared with a different region of the country. The data shows an increase in the number of unanalyzed species as one moves toward the northern latitudes due to increased nesting activity and the presence of more species during the summer.
UW-L Master's Thesis
UW-L Master's Thesis
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Fiedler, Jenny
Breeding bird populations were surveyed in two habitat types sharing a watershed
in the Upper Mississippi River basin during the summer of 1999. Two routes in
each of two study sites were surveyed mornings during 14 weeks between April
14th and July 31st; night surveys were also conducted to observe nocturnal species.
Routes were surveyed using the methodology of the Wisconsin Breeding Bird
Atlas, and observations of species present, abundance, breeding level, and habitat
were recorded. A total of 124 avian species were observed (84 in Hixon forest and
102 in Myrick marsh). Sixty-five and 74 species in Hixon forest and Myrick marsh
respectively were considered summer residents; 41.5% and 58.1% of those respectively
were confirmed by observation to be breeders. Diversity indices indicated
that avian populations in Hixon forest were slightly more diverse. Average abundance
of avian populations in Myrick marsh were found to be significantly higher
using an independent T-test (P<0.05). Similar percentages of neotropical migrants,
which as a group have experienced recent population declines, were found in
Hixon forest and Myrick marsh. Comparisons of this survey with other relevant
surveys revealed slight changes in avian communities over time.
Published as part of the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Journal of Undergraduate Research, Volume 3 (2000)
Published as part of the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Journal of Undergraduate Research, Volume 3 (2000)
The Dept.
Wisconsin. Dept. of Transportation
forms part of the La Crosse River Valley Study
"Co-operating agencies, City of La Crosse, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, La Crosse County, Wisconsin Department of Transportation."
Fago, Don
Hine, Ruth L.
Hine, Ruth L.
A statewide survey of the inland waters of Wisconsin was initiated by the Bureau of Research, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to establish a comprehensive data base on the distribution and relative abundance of all fish species. The Grant and Platte, and Coon and Bad Axe, and LaCrosse river basins were sampled from 1975 through 1982 by personnel from research at 327 stations, from fish management at 14 stations, and from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at 2 stations. An additional 124 stations were partially sampled by fish management personnel.
Technical bulletin (Wisconsin. Department of Natural Resources), no. 136, 140, 143, 147, 152, 155, 159, 175.
Technical bulletin (Wisconsin. Department of Natural Resources), no. 136, 140, 143, 147, 152, 155, 159, 175.
University of Wisconsin La Crosse, College of Business Administration
William Colclough
Rex M. Fuller
Douglas Sweetland 1939-
La Crosse Area Planning Committee (Wis.)
Rex M. Fuller
Douglas Sweetland 1939-
La Crosse Area Planning Committee (Wis.)
prepared for the La Crosse Area Planning Committee
ocm20743501 unsure of publication date 198-
ocm20743501 unsure of publication date 198-
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Submitted pursuant to the National Policy Act of 1969, Public Law 81-190 and The Wisconsin Environmental Policy Act, Chapter 1.11(2)(C) Wis. Statutes. Letter of transmittal and availability statement inserted. Includes bibliographical references.
Mississippi Valley Archaeology Center at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Robert F. Boszhardt
Dean G. (Dean Gordon) Wilder 1947-
Dean G. (Dean Gordon) Wilder 1947-
forms part of the La Crosse River Valley Study
U. S. West Research
Anthony Godfrey
forms part of the La Crosse River Valley Study
a cultural history of the lower La Crosse River Valley marsh at La Crosse including landscape conditions and developments, transportation developments, industrial and commercial developments, agricultural activities and the like; grouped into three geographic areas of the river
Wisconsin. Dept. of Transportation
forms part of the La Crosse River Valley Study
"Cooperating agencies, City of La Crosse, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, La Crosse County, Wisconsin Department of Transportation."
La Crosse Public Library
La Crosse Tribune
Newspaper articles related to the North-South Transportation Corridor discussion from the mid-1940s through 2002. An ever present issue facing La Crosse city planners and officials since the mid 1940s has been the discussion of building a north-south road through the La Crosse River Valley and the wetland area known as the marsh. Follow this controversy from 1946 to the passing of an advisory referendum in 1998 blocking the city from spending money on the road. A north-south corridor is still in the plans of the La Crosse Area Planning Committee and the issue is far from decided.
City of La Crosse
City of La Crosse
forms part of the La Crosse River Valley Study
"As prepared and approved by: City of La Crosse, La Crosse County, Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources"
Department of Natural Resources
Kathy Firchow
Wisconsin. Dept. of Natural Resources
Wisconsin. Dept. of Natural Resources
a survey that focuses on the La Crosse River marsh area in La Crosse, Wis.
ocm19551096 "Survey carrie out under the direction of Ray Kyro
ocm19551096 "Survey carrie out under the direction of Ray Kyro
Mississippi Valley Conservancy
John Katrana
John Katrana
"John Katrana of Gundersen Lutheran has spearheaded the La Crosse River Valley Conservancy Project an effort to conserve wetland areas along the river in La Crosse and Onalaska for wildlife, recreational and educational uses. The area presently supports a large underdeveloped, high value wetland complex and is contiguous with La Crosse Marsh Natural Resource Area, recently established by Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to protect the lower river valley."
La Crosse County Historical Society
Hirshheimer, Harry J.
A chapter in the La Crosse County Historical Sketches, series 7, about the La Crosse River and the Davidson family, well known steamboat and packet company owners and manufacturers in La Crosse. Other lines and the influence of the railroad is also discussed. Written by Harry J. Hirshheimer.
Hixon Forest Nature Center?
map of the nature trail system in the La Crosse River marsh and Hixon Forest connecting parks; trails are also rated for difficulty
La Crosse Public Library (La Crosse, Wis.)
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. Murphy Library
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. Murphy Library
La Crosse Public Library and University of Wisconsin-La Crosse’s Murphy Library have made a cooperative effort to digitize materials relating to La Crosse’s urban wetland, a popular and important topic in the community. Included in this body of material are photographs, maps, interviews, published studies and summaries of fieldwork related to the marsh. This essay is not meant to be comprehensive but we hope will provide some basic framework to help readers delve into specific areas of interest.
The Division
Wisconsin. Division of Environmental Protection
pollution study in the La Crosse River drainage basin
ocm02684171 Env.3:D7/22/1971
ocm02684171 Env.3:D7/22/1971
Westbrook Associated Engineers
Westbrook Associated Engineers
forms part of the La Crosse River Valley Study
La Crosse Public Library
Charles Lee
Rachel VanAlstine
Jennifer Otto
Heather Przybylski
Rachel VanAlstine
Jennifer Otto
Heather Przybylski
brief history of the ecological connection between the La Crosse River Valley marsh, the bluffs and rivers of the La Crosse, Wis., community
Wick, Donald
The objectives of this study were: to gain basic information about mosquito chromosome number and morphology; to find out how and to what extent the chromosomes of genera and species found in a geographical area differ from each other and from those areas, genera and species previously examined; and to establish a laboratory colony of a field collected species. Myrick Marsh was chosen as the sampling area because of its annual inundation with the La Crosse River flood waters and its corresponding diversity of vegetation. Such conditions were deemed favorable for mosquito production. Twenty sites were selected based on accessibility and unique habitats. Collection was by the standard dipper method. Larvae were used for karyotyping while pupae were used for colonization. Initial colonization of aedine species was unsuccessful while a field collected Culex pipiens was established and is presently maintained in the laboratory. In preliminary karyotyping attempts the squash technique first developed by plant cytologists and adapted for mosquito studies by Osmond P. Breland in 1959 was used. This method proved ineffective. A second method using colchicine pretreatment was tried. The results improved but the karyotypes were not usable for proper analysis. This latter method was then modified, tried, and was successful. Analysis of the chromosomes of Aedes cinereus, A. excrucians, A. vexans, and Culex pipiens showed uniformity in chromosome number, the diploid chromosome number being six. The chromosomes were numbered I to III according to total length; I being the smallest, III the largest. With the exception of chromosome I in Culex pipiens, all chromosomes demonstrated metacentric centromere positioning. Heteromorphic sex chromosomes were not found in the four species examined. Although the chromosome number was uniform, species and genera identification were readily accomplished by using a ratio method of analysis (I/II + III). The ratios found in this study were comparable to those of other investigators for some of the same species.
UW-L Master's Thesis
UW-L Master's Thesis
The Dept.
Wisconsin. Dept. of Natural Resources
Dan Simonson
David Vetrano
Dan Simonson
David Vetrano
forms part of the La Crosse River Valley Study
"Co-operating agencies, City of La Crosse, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, La Crosse County, Wisconsin Department of Transportation."
La Crosse River Valley study wetlands evaluation -- Water resources inventory / prepared by Dan Simonson -- Fisheries investigations / David Vetrano -- Study area species list.
The Dept.
Wisconsin. Dept. of Transportation
forms part of the La Crosse River Valley Study
"Co-operating agencies, City of La Crosse, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, La Crosse County, Wisconsin Department of Transportation."
The Dept.
Wisconsin. Dept. of Transportation
forms part of the La Crosse River Valley Study
"Co-operating agencies, City of La Crosse, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, La Crosse County, Wisconsin Department of Transportation."
"Addendum #1-February 26, 1992, Addendum #2-July 22, 1992."
Ritter, Paul Gerard
Lake Neshonoc is a reservoir (243 ha) on the La Crosse River in the Driftless Area of southwestern Wisconsin. Water sample were collected from the four influent waters (Adam's Valley Creek, Burn's Creek, Dutch Creek, and the La Crosse River), the marsh upstream from the lake, four sites within the lake, and one site downstream from the dam. Two deep water sites in the lake were sampled at the surface, middle, and near-bottom of the water column. Samples were collected from all sites from February through September, 1985, at which time the lake was drained for dam repairs. Influent samples were collected through December, 1985. Temperature, dissolved oxygen, and Secchi disk transparency were recorded in the field. Non-filterable residues, specific conductance, pH, total alkalinity, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, ortho-phosporus, and total phosporus were analyzed in the laboratory. Total alkalinity, pH, and conductivity were typical of a well-buffered lake. Dissolved oxygen in the lake fluctuated from top to bottom on a biweekly basis during the summer. Of the influent waters, Adam's Valley Creek consistently had the highest concentrations of nutrients. Within the lake, nitrate and ortho-phosphorus concentrations decreased 35% from the inflow sites to the outflow site. This was likely due to assimilation by phtyoplankton, which may have increased the biological oxygen demand and decreased the dissolved oxygen in the deeper waters (3 m) of the lake. The La Crosse River supplies a majority of the water entering Lake Neshonoc, which explains the similarity between the lake and river water chemistry. The lake has lost 73 ha in the past 29 years. 23% of its original surface area. Most of the loss occurred with the encroachment of the marsh. The lake volume has decreased O.42x106m3 during the past 19 years. Hydraulic residence time for Lake Neshonoc is 4.85 days. Improvements in watershed management must be implemented to prolong the benefits of this reservoir.
UW-L Master's Thesis
UW-L Master's Thesis
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Oral History Program
Swords and Schmidt discuss their experience as siblings growing up during the early 1900s in the Goosetown area of La Crosse, Wisconsin. They describe family relationships, the Goosetown neighborhood, sports and games, and entertainment options.
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Oral History Program
Edwin Dohlby begins this interview discussing his genealogy, family life, and relationship with his mostly absent father. His mother was a midwife and he left school early to work various jobs to support his family (butchering, grocery, auto parts factory). He touches on many social and cultural topics in La Crosse history, including but not limited to: North Side and South Side, taverns and beer, recreation, area rivers, La Crosse Rubber Mills, Auto-Lite, Red-light District, the railroad industry, Prohibition, La Crosse Rubber Mills, dance halls and theaters, dating, local politics and business, anti-German discrimination, Wisconsin Progressive Movement and Robert LaFollette, the Great Depression, and the La Crosse River Marsh.
Tape 2
Tape 3
Tape 2
Tape 3
Hoeschler touches on many subjects, but mainly focuses on his family history and his professional career. He also spends quite a bit of time talking about his uncle, Frank Hoeschler, who was a known dentist and developer in La Crosse.
Tape 2
Tape 2
Cary, George
A seven-month study of the phytoplankton populations and water quality of the La Crosse and Mississippi Rivers and the back water slough of the old Black River channel below navigation pool #7, hereafter referred to as the "Black" River, was initiated on May 19, 1971 and terminated on November 20, 1971. Nine sampling stations were chosen in such a manner as to monitor the different channels above and below their point of convergence. Phytoplankton samples were collected at 3 depths, while samples used in the determination of chemical parameters were obtained at the 2 m depth. Six major groups of algae were found in the study area. These were the Chrysophyceae, Pyrrophyta, Euglenophyta, Bacillariophyceae, Chlorophyta and Cyanophyta. The latter three made up the major portion of the phytoplankton, both in numbers and diversity. The "Black" and Mississippi Rivers were found to be similar with regard to phytoplankton composition. The chemical parameters of the two study areas were also similar, with the exception of total hardness. It was observed that the total hardness concentration was lower in the "Black" River than in the Mississippi River. The La Crosse River presented a seemingly unfavorable set of conditions for the maintenance of phytoplankton populations. The major organisms of this river were various species of Ulothrix. This was also the only genus to occur in bloom proportions in the La Crosse River. The La Crosse River, besides being distinct from the "Black" and Mississippi Rivers with regard to phytoplankton composition, was also distinct from the latter two on the basis of turbidity and settleable matter.
UW-L Master's Thesis
UW-L Master's Thesis
City of La Crosse
City of La Crosse
forms part of the La Crosse River Valley Study
"As prepared and approved by: City of La Crosse, La Crosse County, Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources"
Alvord, Burdick & Howson
a plan to fill the La Crosse River marsh submitted to the City Planning Commission, City of La Crosse
Greater La Crosse Chamber of Commerce
Greater La Crosse Chamber of Commerce. Watershed Investigation Subcommittee
Craig, Charles
The objectives of this study were to gain a comprehensive knowledge of the dynamics of the marsh with an emphasis on mammal populations. Attempts were made to study the dynamics on a biomass basis as they related to marsh habitats. Field work was conducted from February 1974 to January 1975. The 515 acres of the Myrick Marsh study area have a great complexity of marshland habitats including ponds, cattail marsh, and a great expansive area covered by reed canary grass. Gross environmental characteristics were determined for each of the six study units involved. Plant production in kilograms/hectare(kg/ha) was estimated by use of the clipping technique and it was concluded that Phalaris arundaceae (L.) and Typha latifolia (L.) constituted approximately 70% of the marsh vegetation. By utilizing known methods the relative densities of insect populations which inhabited smartweed, cattail and reed canary grass dominated areas were examined. It was found that the reed canary grass supported the highest overall populations; with Diptera being the most abundant insect order. Invertebrate populations were compared for the litter, soil and standing vegetation between a smartweed and a reed canary grass area. Mites and springtails were the most dominant organisms found in the litter and soil, while slugs and spiders were the most abundant in the standing vegetation. One hundred and sixty-eight small mammals were caught by use of snaptraps with an overall success rate of 4.7%. Twenty-one species wereeither trapped or observed. Only Microtus pennsylvanicus (Ord) and Peryomuscus leucopus (Fischer) exhibited large populations; while the high point of the study was the trapping of a least weasel (Mustela rixosa Rhoads).
UW-L Master's Thesis
UW-L Master's Thesis
Tyser, Robin W.
This report presents observations of species abundance and diversity patterns of avian communities associated with four types of wetland vegetation near La Crosse, Wis., during the 1980 breeding season: River Bulrush, Cattail, Alder Thicket and Reed Canary grass.
Part of The passenger pigeon Volume 44, No. 1 (Spring 1982), pp16-20
Part of The passenger pigeon Volume 44, No. 1 (Spring 1982), pp16-20
Wisconsin. Department of Natural Resources.
Wisconsin. Department of Natural Resources.
Koperski, Cindy
Koperski, Cindy
[Kurt Brownell]
Kurt Brownell
Paul Harris
Paul Harris
"The purpose of this study is to document game and non-game wildlife in La Crosse area wetlands and to cover-type them for possible wetlands acquisition and preservation by the Department of Natural Resources."
Contains color aerial views of the surveyed area.
"Final Project Report: Natural Resources 491"
9, [36] leaves
: illustrations, maps ; 29 cm
Contains color aerial views of the surveyed area.
"Final Project Report: Natural Resources 491"
9, [36] leaves
: illustrations, maps ; 29 cm

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Kurt Brownell
A student project that documents game and non-game wildlife in the La Crosse River area wetlands for possible wetland acquisition and preservation by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources in Cooperation with the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Lawrence D. Igl
Wildlife observations and the predominant vegetation recorded in the La Crosse River Valley marsh, La Crosse, Wis., from June 6-26, 1985, including birds and mammals
University of Wisconsin La Crosse, College of Business Administration
William Colclough
Gordon Sanford
Gordon Sanford
forms part of the La Crosse River Valley Study
Wisconsin. Department of Transportation.
forms part of the La Crosse River Valley Study
"Co-operating agencies, City of La Crosse, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, La Crosse County, Wisconsin Department of Transportation."